Friday, March 30, 2007


Ikawe was formulated with unique blend of herbs chosen because of their ability to help alleviate the sources of reduced sexual desire and impaired sexual abilities. Natural botanical ingredients were chosen from those used in traditional South American, Asian and African medicines. These adaptogens, phytoceutricals and aphrodisiacs are the major components of Ikawe.

Although some of these herbal and botanical components in Ikawe may be relatively new to the western world, many of them have been used traditionally for hundreds of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Indian Ayuervedic medicine and by African shamans.

These botanicals and herbals, when blended into Ikawe and used on a regular basis, are likely to counteract the deleterious effects on a man's sexual performance that can be caused by such factors as environmental pollution, the stresses of contemporary lifestyles and the usage of alcohol and other drugs.

For example, Lirosma ovata helps to raise the libido (sexual desire). Clinical research has indicated that 62% of men who take Lirosma ovata on a daily basis described an improvement in the desire for sexual activity following fourteen days of therapy. Further scientific studies imply these components of Ikawe can assist impotence, erectile dysfunction and can be beneficial to sexual performance.